Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

My classes start on Wednesday the 4th and I very excited but a little nervous about the new quarter.  I been getting those weird days where I'm not drawing or doing anything art related at all.  I think I'm lacking in confidence in my abilities despite strengthening them during my first year at SCAD.  I guess when I go on these extended breaks, I lose that drive to do anything, or think up ideas, or anything creative.

  I did pull myself out of "art depression" and I started back drawing.  The sketches may not be the still lives I drew in Drawing 100 but at least I drew something:

I'm playing around with human/animal hybrids.

Dragon bird woman

Drawing random faces...

Old Character...Twidley Wink.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Upcoming Class time and Sketches

Early Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

 After this Sunday, I  have only one week left before classes! For the 2012 winter quarter, my classes are Drawing 2, Survey of Western Art II, and Design 1.  So, for the remaining week I have left, I'll practice drawing and go back over my drawing notes from last quarter.

Also, I won't be updating on the 24th, Christmas Eve.  I need to spend time with family and friends, open presents, walk with God, make sure the cats won't destroy the house (I swear they do that for fun, seriously), and draw stuff!

Anywho, here's some very belated sketches:

New Character...not sure what to do with her...

Perhaps a human/angel version of Vistalgia?

Or a guardian with a heart of stone...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Important things from I have learned from Drawing 100: My Strengths and Weakness

In Drawing 100, I noticed that I have certain strengths and weakness in my artwork.

My Strengths:

  1. I used a variety of objects in my drawings with different textures, shapes, forms, etc.
  2. I don't draw a predictable merry-go-round composition (its when the subjects are arranged in a circular pattern; it makes for a very boring composition). Instead, I create a composition that covers the entire picture plane, has variety of rhythm and objects, and engages the viewer to explore the artwork.
  3. I can see how lines around and within the objects (contour and cross-contour lines) bend around the objects form.
  4. And I used the theory of chiaroscuro to understand how light and shadows act on objects.
My Weakness:

  1. I need to vary my line weight ( which lines define a sudden change in space, the shape of the object, which areas bulge or recede in space, etc.)
  2. I need to create accurate and symmetrical ellipses.
To further improve my artistic skills I must practice, practice, practice! I understand now that it not just talent that creates art, but it is about my understanding of basic concepts and applying that to my artwork.  How am I going to be a successful artist if I don't have a firm foundation to build off of?

Anyway, I wish the camera works so I can show you some sketches tonight, so here's a picture of clovers instead:

Right from the backyard.  Beautiful too.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sorry no update tonight...

There's no update enjoy this old drawing of Vistalgia: