Friday, October 14, 2022

(Late) Swordtember Prompt 30: Guardian


(Late) Swordtember Prompt 30: Guardian

Sir Luther and his curio, Apolle, spend a lovely day out during the autumn month, Exalt.

Curios are child objects who are the offspring of a deceased living object, called the progenitor. When a progenitor dies a true death, they will yield a withered kernel which will be crushed to extract its germ. The germ is then replanted in a material pile matching their progenitor's material makeup. After a few months, the curio will hatch from their pericarp (egg) and be looked after by their caretaker(s).

Mini-story below:

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

(Late) Swordtember Prompt 20: Shattered - Guard Captian Devlin


(Late) Swordtember Prompt 20: Shattered - Guard Captian Devlin

Casualty report below written by Molly, paintbrush and Master Undertaker of Minevatt:

My current tasks are documenting the recovery of casualty remains from the recent Jantherizian invasion of my town, Minevatt. I’m still shaken by what happened, but I need to stay focused. Thankfully, we had prior warning for evacuation and most casualties are war-objects, no civilians. We have enough resources to give all casualties a proper revival. Recovery time, however, may take weeks.

Here, we have our first casualty reported. Soldier details provided by General Doomgreater:

Soldier details:

Name and Rank: Devlin, he/him, Guard Captain serving under General Doomgreater
Date and Location of Hatch: during the dawn, 30th of Exalt, in the abbey of Pepperleaves, Sweetwater Valley Village in the Kingdom of Erdestra
Age: 50
Pre-fitted form: Iron pitchfork
Refitted form: Double-edged iron greatsword
Core inlaid: No, his original form was fitted to a sword template.
Revival History: Ten with one failed. No sign of crumbling.

Casualty Report:

Cause of Death: Shattered by Jantherizian halberd pack attack.
Additional notes: Remains and kernel found by Gwuenevere in destroyed metal refinery in Minevatt. Halberds were prevented from taking Devlin’s kernel prisoner while Gwuenevere fight them off. Remains and kernel are recovered by General Doomgreater’s soldiers.

State of Remains: Pommel split in two but still attached. Grip is splintered with its leather wrapping becoming undone. Hilt is broken on the right side but the other side is still intact. Rainguard faceplate has a complex fracture (possible ichoridic tearing, ichor therapy may be required). The remaining blade is broken into several pieces.
Kernel state: Good retraction from core remains. No donated ichor is needed.
Non-attached remains: Gloves are in mild condition, repairs are needed. Cape, however, is far too damaged, replacement is required.

Repair requirements: Since Devlin’s remains are intact, they can be used to greatly offset the material cost for the Ritual of Convalescence. However, due to the extensive damage to his core, Devlin’s remains may need to be deconstructed and repaired separately by a blacksmith. Once remains are repaired, they will be rejoined with his kernel and revival will be a success.

Additional Comments from Doomgreater:

Blades’ Dammit Devlin! What made you think you can fight an entire halberd pack? You’re lucky they didn’t eat you alive. You owe me an explanation when you wake up.

Oh, one more thing. That cloak saved you. Nearly got herself torn apart while fightn’ them halberds.