Thursday, August 24, 2023

Altostratus cover update!

 To be unreachable…


Queen Nike’s wings are a combination of linen cloth and ichor threading rooting from her ichor structure. Flammagentius’ wings are all ichor, with the only non-ichor material supporting them being her bronze metal fingers.

Ichormancy is the practice of developing and improving a living object’s ichor structure, increasing its strength, flexibility, durability, tension tolerance, and damage tolerance. Most objects hatched with the instinctual ability to do basic ichormancy (moving limbs and shifting them for better balance or tolerating pressure). This level of ichormancy demonstrated by Flammagentius takes years, along with refitting, to master. Don’t want to drop straight out of the sky should it fail.

As a living object grows more powerful, their ichor limbs gain colorful gradients…