Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm still here and I have WIPs

Sorry for the short hiatus.  I just got caught up in...Life.  I'm going to try to update on Mondays and Tuesdays for the rest of this summer until August.  

Anyway, I recently began watching a very odd show called Oddities on Science Channel.  It's based on the Obscura antiques and oddities shop in New York city and it's owned by Mike Zohn and Evan Michelson.  They sell and buy strange antiques including medical equipment, rare collectibles, and taxidermy.  I love this show for not just for stranger than strange objects but for the strange artists that come to the shop.  There was an artist who paint with his blood, another artist who create artworks from animal skulls, and one who explores different the different body part of the human body.  These artists are taking risks and taboos that others would have avoided and it's interesting to see how they take something grotesque like bones and blood into beautiful works of art.

And now WIPS:

I had a little trouble inking this in Photoshop.  I might try doing traditional inking with pen instead.

Here I'm trying to practice with color in Photoshop.

Character design for Vistalgia without wings.

Character desigh for Segieran (name pending...) I just got started studying his character by writing a short story about him. By doing that, I see how he reasons and interacts with the world around him.  I'll do the same with Vistalgia later on.

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